riff function create
create a function from source
Create a function from source using the function Cloud Native Buildpack builder.
Function source can be specified either as a Git repository or as a local directory. Builds from Git are run in the cluster while builds from a local directory are run inside a local Docker daemon and are orchestrated by this command (in the future, builds from local source may also be run in the cluster).
In addition to the source code, functions are defined by these properties:
- invoker - language runtime that should host the function, the invoker is often auto-detected, but may need to be specified in cases of ambiguity.
- artifact - file in the source that contains the function.
- handler - invoker specific, typically the method or class within the artifact.
These values can be versioned with the source code in a riff.toml file, or specified here to override the source. Versioning with the source is preferred as changed can be deployed as a unit. Overriding is necessary when deploying multiple functions from a single code base.
The riff.toml file takes the form:
override = "<invoker name>"
artifact = "<path to artifact>"
handler = "<function handler>"
riff function create <name> [flags]
riff function create my-func --image registry.example.com/image --git-repo https://example.com/my-func.git
riff function create my-func --image registry.example.com/image --local-path ./my-func
--artifact file file containing the function within the build workspace (detected by default)
--cache-size size size of persistent volume to cache resources between builds
--dry-run print kubernetes resources to stdout rather than apply them to the cluster, messages normally on stdout will be sent to stderr
--env variable environment variable defined as a key value pair separated by an equals sign, example "--env MY_VAR=my-value" (may be set multiple times)
--git-repo url git url to remote source code
--git-revision refspec refspec within the git repo to checkout (default "main")
--handler name name of the method or class to invoke, depends on the invoker (detected by default)
-h, --help help for create
--image repository repository where the built images are pushed (default "_")
--invoker name language runtime invoker name (detected by default)
--limit-cpu cores the maximum amount of cpu allowed, in CPU cores (500m = .5 cores)
--limit-memory bytes the maximum amount of memory allowed, in bytes (500Mi = 500MiB = 500 * 1024 * 1024)
--local-path directory path to directory containing source code on the local machine
-n, --namespace name kubernetes namespace (defaulted from kube config)
--sub-path directory path to directory within the git repo to checkout
--tail watch build logs
--wait-timeout duration duration to wait for the function to become ready when watching logs (default "10m")
Options inherited from parent commands
--config file config file (default is $HOME/.riff.yaml)
--kubeconfig file kubectl config file (default is $HOME/.kube/config)
--no-color disable color output in terminals
- riff function - functions built from source using function buildpacks