Getting started on Minikube
The following will help you get started running a riff function with Knative on Minikube.
To get started with streaming or with the core runtime, follow these steps first, and then continue with the Streaming or Core runtime docs. Runtimes can be used separately or together.
Install Minikube
v0.6 of riff requires Kubernetes v1.15 or later.
Minikube is a Kubernetes environment which runs in a single virtual machine. See the Getting Started page for installation information.
Minikube uses a hypervisor driver that varies by operating system. Some drivers are provided with Minikube while others requires an extra installation step. See the Driver page for details.
For macOS we recommend using Hyperkit as the vm-driver and for Linux we suggest using the KVM (kvm2) driver. You can select what driver to use as default using the minikube config set vm-driver
command. Newer versions of Minikube seem to default to usig the hyperkit
driver for MacOS and it is provided with Minikube, so no extra install needed. The kvm2
driver for Linux does require an extra install step.
Install Docker
Installing Docker Community Edition is the easiest way get started with Docker. Since Minikube includes its own Docker daemon, you actually only need the docker
CLI to run docker login
for --local-path
function builds. This means that if you want to, you can shut down the Docker Desktop app and depend on the Minikube Docker daemon by running eval $(minikube docker-env)
Install kubectl
kubectl is the Kubernetes CLI. It is used to manage minikube as well as hosted Kubernetes clusters.
Create a Minikube cluster
minikube config set memory 5192
minikube config set cpus 4
minikube start
Confirm that your kubectl context is pointing to the new cluster:
kubectl config current-context
monitor your cluster
At this point it is useful to monitor your cluster using a utility like watch
. To install on a Mac:
brew install watch
Watch pods in a separate terminal.
watch -n 1 kubectl get pod --all-namespaces
Install kapp
kapp is a simple deployment tool for Kubernetes. The riff runtime and its dependencies are provided as standard Kubernetes yaml files, that can be installed with kapp.
You can install kapp using Homebrew on MacOS:
brew tap k14s/tap
brew install kapp
Alternatively, Download a recent binary for your platform from github. Move it into a directory on your path, and make it executable. Complete kapp installation instructions can be found here
Validate the installation.
kapp version
Client Version: 0.18.0
Install ytt
ytt is a tool for templating yaml. It can be used to apply changes to the distributed Kubernetes yamls files used to install riff.
You can install ytt using Homebrew on MacOS:
brew tap k14s/tap
brew install ytt
Alternatively, Download a recent binary for your platform from github. Move it into a directory on your path, and make it executable. Complete ytt installation instructions can be found here
Validate the installation.
ytt version
Version: 0.23.0
Install a snapshot build of the riff CLI
Recent snapshot builds of the riff CLI for macOS, Windows, or Linux, can be downloaded from GCS.
Alternatively, clone the riff CLI repo, and run make build install
. This will require a recent go build environment. On macOS you can use brew install go
Check that the riff CLI version is 0.6.0-snapshot.
riff --version
riff version 0.6.0-snapshot (443fc9125dd6d8eecd1f7e1a13fa93b88fd4f972)
Install riff Using kapp
riff can be installed with optional runtimes. The riff build system is always installed, and is required by each runtime.
NOTE: If you have riff v0.4.0 installed then you must first uninstall that version. See instructions in the v0.4.0 documentation.
Create a namespace for kapp to store configuration:
kubectl create ns apps
install riff Build
To install riff build and it's dependencies:
kapp deploy -n apps -a cert-manager -f
kapp deploy -n apps -a kpack -f
kapp deploy -n apps -a riff-builders -f
kapp deploy -n apps -a riff-build -f
install Contour ingress controller
The Contour ingress controller can be used by both Knative and Core runtimes.
# ytt is used to convert the ingress service to NodePort because Minikube does not support `LoadBalancer` services.
ytt -f -f --file-mark contour.yaml:type=yaml-plain | kapp deploy -n apps -a contour -f - -y
install riff Knative Runtime
To optionally install riff Knative Runtime and it's dependencies:
kapp deploy -n apps -a knative -f
kapp deploy -n apps -a riff-knative-runtime -f
verify riff installation
Resources may be missing if the corresponding runtime was not installed.
riff doctor
default ok
riff-system ok
configmaps riff-system builders allowed n/a
configmaps default * allowed allowed
secrets default * allowed allowed
pods default * allowed n/a
pods/log default * allowed n/a default * allowed allowed default * allowed allowed default * allowed allowed default * missing missing default * missing missing default * missing missing default * missing missing default * missing missing default * missing missing default * allowed allowed default * allowed allowed
apply build credentials
Use the riff CLI to apply credentials for a container registry. If you plan on using a namespace other than default
add the --namespace
flag. Replace the ??? with your docker username.
riff credential apply my-creds --docker-hub $DOCKER_ID --set-default-image-prefix
You will be prompted to provide the password.
Create a function
This step will pull the source code for a function from a GitHub repo, build a container image based on the node function invoker, and push the resulting image to your Docker Hub repo.
riff function create square \
--git-repo \
--artifact square.js \
After the function is created, you can see the built image by listing functions.
riff function list
square square.js <empty> <empty> Ready 4m3s
Create a Knative deployer
The Knative Runtime is only available on clusters with Knative installed. Knative deployers run riff workloads using Knative resources which provide auto-scaling (including scale-to-zero) based on HTTP request traffic, and routing.
riff knative deployer create knative-square --function-ref square --ingress-policy External --tail
After the deployer is created, you can see the hostname by listing deployers.
riff knative deployer list
knative-square function square Ready 19s
invoke the function
Knative configures HTTP routes on the ingress controller. Requests are routed by hostname.
Look up the nodePort for the ingress gateway; you should see a port value like 30195
MINIKUBE_IP=$(minikube ip)
INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl get svc envoy --namespace contour-external --output 'jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.port==80)].nodePort}')
Invoke the function by POSTing to the ingress gateway, passing the hostname and content-type as headers.
curl http://$MINIKUBE_IP:$INGRESS_PORT/ -w '\n' \
-H 'Host:' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d 7
Delete the function and deployer
riff knative deployer delete knative-square
riff function delete square
Uninstalling riff
You can delete your Minikube cluster and then recreate it (this will remove all state including riff).
minikube delete
minikube start --memory=4096 --cpus=4
Alternatively, you can use the following commands to uninstall riff:
remove any riff resources
kubectl delete riff --all-namespaces --all
remove riff Streaming Runtime
kapp delete -n apps -a riff-streaming-runtime
kapp delete -n apps -a keda
remove riff Core Runtime (if installed)
kapp delete -n apps -a riff-core-runtime
remove riff Knative Runtime (if installed)
kubectl delete knative --all-namespaces --all
kapp delete -n apps -a riff-knative-runtime
kapp delete -n apps -a knative
remove Contour
kapp delete -n apps -a contour
remove riff Build
kapp delete -n apps -a riff-build
kapp delete -n apps -a riff-builders
kapp delete -n apps -a kpack
kapp delete -n apps -a cert-manager